Comprehension Skills: The Case of High School Learners

Mebratu Mulatu Bachore


The main objective of the study was to assess the effects that cogitative reading strategy has on the EFL learners’ comprehension skills. The study was more of quantitative by which reading skill test was employed before and after the cogitative strategy training for the experimental ad control group. In addition, a questionnaire was administered to the learners in both groups. The participants were 120 grade 10 students who were grouped in two sections which each section 60 students. The results of the study revealed that the cognitive reading strategy training has a positive impact on developing the students’ reading comprehension skillsas the experimental group students perform better in the test. In addition, when we compare the sub categories of the cognitive strategy, the learners are better in using strategies of extracting ideas from the text. But, though they are using the noting features and supplementary aids, most of them exploit the strategy only sometimes and rarely. Surprisingly, the students are poor in guessing and deciding on the ideas of a text.


cognitive strategies, strategy training, reading skills, comprehension

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