Online-Storage Data Auditing and Secure Source Side Deduplication



Online-Storage computing is an common data interactive paradigm for processing of large amounts of data and storage without  consider  the  local  infrastructure  limitations.  The  advent  of  Online-Storage  storage  enables  the organizations and enterprises to outsource their data to third party Online-Storage service providers (CSP). Though the services provided by Online-Storage has many advantages, the users willingly give up the physical control of their outsourced information which inevitably poses new security and privacy risks and yet another confront is the organization of ever rising volume of data for CSP. In order to compact with these safety issues, a new safe storage with deduplication scheme has been adopted. In order to give security of outsourced data beside hateful users with snooping CSP’s, a new convergent encryption method is proposed. Every Client encrypts the file previous to uploading and the encrypted file is enter to Hash algorithm which generate a single identifier for all file. The Client specify the official users and their admission rights in a metafile uploaded to the Online-Storage and user can decrypt the downloaded file with his secret key in.

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