Design of Modified 64-Bit Parallel Prefix Technique B-K Adder



A parallel-prefix adder provides us the most excellentpresentation in VLSI design.On the other hand, presentation of Brent-kung adder all the way throughblack cell takes large area. So, gray cell can be replaced instead of black cell which gives the Efficiency inBrent-kungAdder. The projected system hastwo stages of actions they are pre-processing stage and generation stage. The pre-processing stage having propagated and generate. Generation stage spotlights on generation of carry and final result. In ripple carry adder (RCA) each bit having operation of addition is waited for the preceding bit operation of addition. In efficient Brent - Kungadder, addition operation does not wait for preceding bit operation of addition and modification is done at gate level toimprove the speed and decreases the area.


Ripple carry adder; Efficient Brent–Kung adder; Black cell; Gray cell

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