Implementation of Flip Ofdm Based Iterative Receiver for Optical Wireless Communication



With the rapidly growing demand for data in wireless communications and the significant increase of the number of users, the radio frequency (RF) spectrum become one of the scarcest resources in the world. Motivated by the more and more crowed RF spectrum, optical wireless communications (OWC) has been identified as a promising candidate to complement conventional RF communication, especially for indoor short and medium range data transmission. In the proposed method flip OFDM is used to guarantee nonnegative signals in optical wireless communication (OWC) systems and flipped orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (FlipOFDM) transmits the positive and negative parts of the signal over two consecutive OFDM sub frames. An iterative receiver is then proposed to improve the transmission performance of Flip-OFDM by exploiting the signals in both sub frames. Simulation results show that the proposed iterative receiver provides significant signal to noise ratio (SNR) gain over the conventional receiver. Moreover, the iterative receiver also outperforms the existing advanced receiver. To assure nongloomy signalizes in seen cellular communication (OWC) procedure, flipped foursquare density discord multiplexing (Flip-OFDM) transmits the optimistic and the pessimistic components of 1's semaphore ever two resulting OFDM sub-formulates (productive sub form and pessimistic sub-shape, in my opinion). As in the rigid handset for Flip-OFDM  rectoos the information by using subtracting the susceptible a part of your semaphore on the constructive one. As the gesticulate evaluation shows that fact the information determination be transmitted via the two the OFDM sub-formulates. But inside the regular handset there may be a lack of data. To upstairscome the only in query headache an boring headphone is and after that expected to recover the display of Flip-OFDM by way of exploiting the beckons inside the  the OFDM suboutlines. Simulation effects describe that one the planned uninteresting beneficiary affords consequential beckon to crash scale (SNR) benefit ever the conventional headphone

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