Automated Irrigation System using IoT and Data Mining Algorithm.

K.V. Mrudula, A.M. Prasad


automated irrigation system in order to reduce  water use for agricultural crops and reduce the manual monitoring.The system has a wireless distributed network of soil moisture sensor,temperature sensor,PIR sensor,gas sensor,water level sensor.An algorithm was developed considering the temperature and soil moisture values to predict the future values.Data mining algorithm is dealing with large amounts of data obtained previously.Micro controller LPC2148 is used as control unit .The setup uses soil moisture sensors to measure the exact moisture values,temperature sensors to measure the temperature.PIR sensor detects any person moving around the field.Gas sensor detects the gases if present around the field.water level sensor has three levels low,mid and high  levels.according to the level of the water present SMS will be sent to the farmers mobile.information from the sensors is directly updated to the web page.GSM/GPRS SIM800L is order to measure the electricity used energy meter is setup to give the costanalysis and units used.the main aim is for optimized use of water and to predict the future values of temperature and moisture values .this is a low cost setup that reduce the effort of  farmers.

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