

Vol 6, No 5 (2019): 3rd EduINDEX International Multidisciplinary Conference

Learning through our conference will be enriching and make learning news things happening in industry more easily accessible and learning more enjoyable. For publication in Conference Issue, Send papers to

Vol 6, No 4 (2019): Vol-6-Issue-04-April-2019

We are pleased to inform you that IJR is going to launch its upcoming issue for the month of April, 2019. We would like to invite you to contribute a Research Paper for publication in IJR for International Journal. IJR covers all areas of Computer Science, Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, and all other streams of science, social studies, management and business studies for our International Journal. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes.

The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.

Authors are invited to submit the paper online or through E-mail at Submissions must be original and should not have been submitted or published previously anywhere else for publication.

Vol 6, No 3 (2019): Vol-6-Issue-3-March-2019

International Journal of Research (IJR) is an endeavour to promote research, innovation and new ideas in various fields of technology for journal publication
. It is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bi-monthly, and fully referred journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in technology and relevant fields for journal paper publication
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Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Vol-6-Issue-02-February-2019

We, at IJR, announce call for research paper in all areas of science, engineering and technology every month. From original research papers, survey papers, case studies and academic or scholarly articles to extended versions of previously published papers in conferences, scholarly journal or academic peer reviewed international journals, we welcome high quality work that focuses on research, development and application in the aforesaid areas.

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Vol 6, No 01 (2019): Vol-6-Issue-01-January-2019

Since 2012, The International Journal of Research (IJR) is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access International Journal. Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, Monthly, Online International Journal with High Impact. International Journal of Research (IJR) is published as a Monthly Journal with 12 issues per year. We also assist International and National Conference to publish their conference papers. International Journal of Research (IJR) covers all disciplines including Arts, Science, Commerce, Social-Sciences, Management and Engineering. International Journal of Research (IJR) always strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Engineers and Technocrats and Engineering Scholars. Since inception, International Journal of Research (IJR) is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles.

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Vol 5, No 23 (2018): Vol-5-Issue-23-December-2018

The International Journal of Research (IJR) is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access International Journal. Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, Monthly, Online International Journal with High Impact. International Journal of Research (IJR) is published as a Monthly Journal with 12 issues per year. We also assist International and National Conference to publish their conference papers. International Journal of Research (IJR) covers all disciplines including Arts, Science, Commerce, Social-Sciences, Management and Engineering. International Journal of Research (IJR) always strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Engineers and Technocrats and Engineering Scholars. Since inception, International Journal of Research (IJR) is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles.

Vol 5, No 22 (2018): Vol-5-Issue-22-November-2018

International Journal of Research (IJR) is indexed, refereed and peer reviewed journal, which is designed to publish research articles in Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, Management, Medical Sciences, Medicine, Social Science, Education, Agriculture, Geography, Advertising, Accounting & Finance, Botany, Business Research, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Application, Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Management, Corporate Governance, Earth Sciences, Economics, E-commerce, Bioscience, Entrepreneurship, Fisheries, History, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Library Science, International Business, Law / Criminology, Life Sciences, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Performing Arts, Physics, Psychology, Health Care, Fine Art, Industrial Relations, Architecture, Marketing communication, Marketing Management, Microbiology, Nursing / Pharmacy, Nutraceuticals, Physical Education, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Population Studies, Selling and Marketing techniques, Strategic Management, Total Quality Management Training and Development, Sociology, English, Veterinary Sciences, Apiology, Arachnology, Arthropodology, Cetology, Conchology, Mosquito Taxonomical Studies, Vector (Mosquito) Biology, Vector Ecology, Prevention and Control of Mosquito/Vector-Borne Diseases, Vector Competence of Vector-Borne Diseases, Renewable Energy, Biopesticides/Botanical Insecticides in Vector Control and Management, Biological Control of Vector Mosquitoes, Vectors “Parasite Interaction, Epidemiology, Parasitology, Surveillance and Control Technology of Vectors, Applied Fields of Mosquito Research, Entomology, Helminthology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Myrmecology, Nematology, Neuroethology, Ornithology, Paleozoology, Planktology, Primatology, Zooarchaeology, Zoosemiotics, Vector Molecular Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, Parasitology and Immunobiology, etc.

Vol 5, No 21 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-21-October-2018

International Journal of Research (ISSN: 2348-6848)is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open access international journal dedicated to promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define Open Access-journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the IJR definition of "Open Access" users shall have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link" to the full texts of articles. The journal publishes original research article from broad areas like Accountancy, Agriculture, Anthropology, Anatomy, Architecture, Arts, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Bioscience, Biostatistics, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Dairy Technology, Dentistry, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Food & Nutrition, Forensic Science, Forestry, Geology, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Home Science, Journalism & Mass Communication, Language, Law, Life Science, Literature, Management, Marine Science, Mathematics, Medical Science, Microbiology, Pathology, Paramedical Science, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Physics, Political Science, Public Health, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sociology, Sports Medicine, Statistics, Tourism, Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Yoga, Zoology etc.

The International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR) provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of research.

Frequency: Monthly
Language: English

Scope of Journal

International Journal of Research (IJR) is a double-blind Indexed peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original articles, reviews and short communications that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal publishes papers based on original research that are judged by critical reviews, to make a substantial contribution in the field. It aims at rapid publication of high quality research results while maintaining rigorous review process. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. Papers are published approximately one month after acceptance.


IJR is dedicated to promote high quality research work in multidisciplinary field.

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Vol 5, No 20 (2018): Vol-5-Issue-20-September-2018

International Journal of Research (IJR) is indexed, refereed and peer reviewed journal, which is designed to publish research articles in Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, Management, Medical Sciences, Medicine, Social Science, Education, Agriculture, Geography, Advertising, Accounting & Finance, Botany, Business Research, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Application, Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Management, Corporate Governance, Earth Sciences, Economics, E-commerce, Bioscience, Entrepreneurship, Fisheries, History, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Library Science, International Business, Law / Criminology, Life Sciences, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Performing Arts, Physics, Psychology, Health Care, Fine Art, Industrial Relations, Architecture, Marketing communication, Marketing Management, Microbiology, Nursing / Pharmacy, Nutraceuticals, Physical Education, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Population Studies, Selling and Marketing techniques, Strategic Management, Total Quality Management Training and Development, Sociology, English, Veterinary Sciences, Apiology, Arachnology, Arthropodology, Cetology, Conchology, Mosquito Taxonomical Studies, Vector (Mosquito) Biology, Vector Ecology, Prevention and Control of Mosquito/Vector-Borne Diseases, Vector Competence of Vector-Borne Diseases, Renewable Energy, Biopesticides/Botanical Insecticides in Vector Control and Management, Biological Control of Vector Mosquitoes, Vectors “Parasite Interaction, Epidemiology, Parasitology, Surveillance and Control Technology of Vectors, Applied Fields of Mosquito Research, Entomology, Helminthology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Myrmecology, Nematology, Neuroethology, Ornithology, Paleozoology, Planktology, Primatology, Zooarchaeology, Zoosemiotics, Vector Molecular Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, Parasitology and Immunobiology, etc.

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Vol 5, No 19 (2018): Vol-5-Issue-19-August-2018

IJR heartily welcomes to all of the authors and technocrats who all has been laying their all to the area of interest thereof. It has been our respect and aspiration to take the curtain off from the oblivion researches and the efforts by you genius, and making this as pledge blew a wind to take us ahead of crossing the conventional Milestone of solitary researches and confinement of the study and researches. 
The juncture says to show what you have inside, it would take you to the most deserving peak you worth for and keeping the point in our view we launched a very galvanizing Portal where you can publish your researches globally at the very moment you clicked a button without paying a single cent, as it is open access journal so all authors can easily access and also submit research paper for publication without demand of any sign up, sign in or any online paper submission fee.
Beside these the researchers and authors are also invited here for free to access the research papers as IJR is an open access journal, this has been facilitated keeping the point in mind that more often authors use to get help while researching to their research topics and references for their projects, that exactly shows the weight-age of your research work then how great it would be when you will be of any use to a talent and more over they would mention your name and profile to their index carrying reference.

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Vol 5, No 18 (2018): Vol-5-Issue-18-July-2018-2nd EduIndex International Conference on Science Changes the World

2nd EduIndex International Conference on Science Changes the World held on 28-29th June 2018 at Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi in Association with of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Vol 5, No 17 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-17-July-2018

We would like to invite you to contribute your research work in the form research papers, review papers, dissertation, technical notes and other formats for publication in IJARnD. The journal covers all areas of educationincluding but not limited to Engineering Sciences, Medical and Pharmaceutical  Sciences, Clothing and Fashion, Grammar and Literature, Language and Speeches, Legal and Social, Media and Mass Communication, Management Studies, Travel and Tourism and several others. If your article somehow adds to the current information about the topic and is formatted with correct references – then it is very likely that your paper will be accepted and published. We publish research articles, review articles, and technical notes which are reviewed within one week of submission. Once the peer-review process is completed, copyright transfer and maintenance fee is received, the accepted papers are published in the ongoing edition immediately. The articles should be in the proper format as in the sample format.Authors are invited to submit their paper online or through e-mail at Submissions must be original and should not have been submitted or published previously anywhere else.

Vol 5, No 16 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-16-June-2018

International Journal of Research (IJR), also widely referred to as IJR, is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd and one of the world's top academic journals. It was first published in 2014, is currently circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 30,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is 570,400 people.

The major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology. Unlike most scientific journals, which focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines.

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Vol 5, No 14 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-14-April-2018-Nature, Culture, Language and Literature: Narratives and Critical Practices

The Department of English, SRM University organized 11th national conference title  “Nature, Culture, Language and Literature: Narratives and Critical Practices” on 16th and 17th April 2018.

Vol 5, No 13 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-13-April-2018 International Conference on Innovation and Research in Engineering, Science & Technology

International Conference on Innovation and Research in Engineering, Science & Technology

Held on 23rd & 24th February 2018,  Organized by Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur,

441108, Maharastra, India.

Vol 5, No 12 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-12-April-2018

International Journal of Research (IJR) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online & print publication of scholarly articles. IJR aims at improving the overall publishing experience, and providing authors with a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century. IJR targets to be timely in publication of research with cutting-edge knowledge to academicians, engineers, researchers, and academics whose interest is in the emerging developments includes all aspects of Engineering,Science & Humanities.Send papers for publication to or

Vol 5, No 11 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-11-March-2018-International-Conference-on-Multi-Disciplinary-Research-2017

International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research - 2017 held in February, 2018 in Hyderabad, Telangana State, India organised by GLOBAL RESEARCH ACADEMY - Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (Autonomous), Hyderabad.

Vol 5, No 10 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-10-March-2018-International-Conference-on-Innovations-in-Information-and-Communication-Technology-2018


Vol 5, No 9 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-09-March-2018-International-Seminar-on-Changing-Trends-in-Historiography-A-Global-Perspective

International Seminar on Changing Trends in Historiography: A Global Perspective

Held on 2nd February 2018 organized by The Post Graduate Department of History. Dev Samaj College for Women, Firozpur City, Punjab, India

Vol 5, No 8 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-08-March-2018-Special-Issue-Research-World


Vol 5, No 7 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-07-March-2018

International Journal of Research (IJR) is a Multidisciplinary Research journal which is peer-reviewed, indexed and refereed journal and is designed to publish research articles.

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Vol 5, No 6 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-06-March-2018-Special-Issue-Conference-Papers


Vol 5, No 5 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-05-March-2018-Special-Issue-for-Hindi-Papers


Vol 5, No 4 (2018): Vol-05-Issue-04-February-2018

International Journal of Research is a Multidisciplinary Research and Development journal which is indexed, refereed and peer reviewed journal, which is designed to publish research articles in Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, Management, Medical Sciences, Medicine, Social Science, Education, Agriculture, Geography, Advertising, Accounting & Finance, Botany, Business Research, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Application, Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Management, Corporate Governance, Earth Sciences, Economics, E-commerce, Bioscience, Entrepreneurship, Fisheries, History, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Library Science, International Business, Law / Criminology, Life Sciences, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Performing Arts, Physics, Psychology, Health Care, Fine Art, Industrial Relations, Architecture, Marketing communication, Marketing Management, Microbiology, Nursing / Pharmacy, Nutraceuticals, Physical Education, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Population Studies, Selling and Marketing techniques, Strategic Management, Total Quality Management Training and Development, Sociology, English, Veterinary Sciences, Apiology, Arachnology, Arthropodology, Cetology, Conchology, Mosquito Taxonomical Studies, Vector (Mosquito) Biology, Vector Ecology, Prevention and Control of Mosquito/Vector-Borne Diseases, Vector Competence of Vector-Borne Diseases, Renewable Energy, Biopesticides/Botanical Insecticides in Vector Control and Management, Biological Control of Vector Mosquitoes, Vectors “Parasite Interaction, Epidemiology, Parasitology, Surveillance and Control Technology of Vectors, Applied Fields of Mosquito Research, Entomology, Helminthology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Myrmecology, Nematology, Neuroethology, Ornithology, Paleozoology, Planktology, Primatology, Zooarchaeology, Zoosemiotics, Vector Molecular Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, Parasitology and Immunobiology, etc. IJR is a Multidisciplinary Journal, Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Engineering Journal, Management Journal, Medical Journal, Education Journal, Social Science Journal, Biology Journal, Law Journal, English Journal

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